Support the 300th Anniversary Celebration
You can make a donation online with a credit card or with a check made out to the 300th Anniversary Celebration.
For online donations, once you click on the Donate button, you will be redirected to the Town of Shrewbury donation portal. The portal requires you to login or create an account. If you need assistance creating an account, please contact Justin Dobson at jdobson@shrewsburyma.gov or (508) 841-8383.
If you prefer to not make an account, donations may be made via mail or in-person at the Town Manager's office at Town Hall. Checks should be made out to the Town of Shrewsbury and if being mailed, sent to:
Mail checks to:
300th Anniversary Celebration
c/o Justin Dobson
Town Manager’s Office
100 Maple Avenue
Shrewsbury, MA 01545